Monday, December 27, 2010

Design, Design, Design

Well we've completed our review of Virgins new e-zine reader for the iPad. Overall not a bad app but lacking in some design considerations that would make it stand out in the crowd. As magazine and newspaper publishers deepen their investments in the digital medium (ahem it's about time) app design appears to have it's priorities a bit askew. Yes, beautiful text and animated page turns are important, so is the overall UI. Elegance is important, however along with that so is simplicity. What the and it's somewhat competitors have overlooked is this need to hide from the consumer the technical working of what's going on behind the scenes. Sure some of us old-timers love to see download status bars and bytes per second in transfer rates but the market as a whole has little interest in this as a design feature.

As a design component this is akin to adding an abrasive seam where your consumer will use the product the most (and reminding them your making them wait)? Not smart in our opinion and something that should be considered in the app design process. isn't the only app of it's kind to do this so it's hard to call it out just on that component. The industry as a whole will have to grapple with the concept if mass consumer adoption rate is important to them.

That's it for now, we'll be back with more in the coming months in the reader app space. We have high hopes for the reported "The Daily" app that sounds like the next big reader to be coming to the market

- ZuCom

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dickens On Habits

I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.

- Charles Dickens

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Creativity and Sir Ken

Great video on our capacity for creativity.

Are we educating people out of their creative capacity?

Full TED Talk here

"All children are born artists" - Picasso

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Errors and Omissions - JFK

"an error doesn't become a mistake, until you refuse to correct it"


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Where you find Mobility and Content you find success

The saying "life goes by within the blink of an eye" is a reference to how time passes in our lives. Mobile devices today enable communications and delivery of content in places that have never before been available. Having this "feasibility of venue" opens up new experiences and challenges for business and consumers. While consumers struggle with how to manage time, businesses struggle with how to deliver content to the varying platforms that are available. Whether its iPhone, iPad, Droid, or anyone of the other numerous platforms out there the impact of not having usable content in this medium is palpable, and it is constantly shifting.

While many businesses have been started solely as a result of the mobile revolution, there are many (even Fortune 500's) who have waited to get into the game. In 2006 when Apple and AT&T introduced the iPhone the game changed, but even that event was clouded with options. Having been at that WWDC, it was clear that the future would include some mixture of local App and Mobile Web solutions, but which one would win was far from certain. Four years later App based solutions have clearly taken the lead, but the battle is far from over and many are realizing it may not end anytime soon. With the Android, Windows Mobile (grin), and now Palm(double grin) splintering the app market, and mobile networks improving at a steady pace is their trouble ahead for investments in app solutions?

If your looking for an answer to that last rhetorical (albeit positional) question it lies in content. In the mobile space there are some amazing applications that solve business problems, provide a competitive edge, and still more that simply deliver a new more desirable mobile experience. On the other hand there are some stinkers out there the world would be better off without. The difference between most of the stinkers and the must haves lies in the content that is delivered. Think about this, if you had the option to download Thunderbird or Eudora for the iPad, iPhone, or Droid would your really (quiet Gruber). The answer is most likely, you would not, and that's because it's e-mail and as a piece of content, it's value in these new mobile venues really hasn't changed much over the years. Conversely, if you have an app that can capture audio, send its wave form to the web, returning a song title and artist, now you have a solution that delivers content in a new way to a new venue. As the app market starts to get competitive, "what" you deliver will be as important as how you deliver it.

As a business, not addressing the mobile world at this point is a mistake and even a poor attempt is better than nothing at all. Think of mobile like the drive-thru window for your business, without it those in a hurry probably won't stop. Mobility has moved what was once on our desks to something that is in our pockets and usually at the end of our arm and given this paradigm shift, the market must react. For the mobile consumer it's s little easier. As this evolution continues the richness of content and experiences will continue. Your choices of which device, carrier or app to go with will undoubtedly continue to get harder. Expect to be challenged by those overarching levers of content and experience that companies can provide. Apple somewhat redefined this model and it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon. The true challenge in a mobile world for the consumer will be how best to use these capabilities to slow down life, enjoy it a bit more and use that increased productivity and rich media experiences to make more free time.

Robert Zullo
Twitter @ZuCom_Com

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Calvin Coolidge Quote

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The phrase "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

- Calvin Coolidge

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Positional vs Relational Authority (Key Leadership Principle)

Knowing when not to lead is key principle in leadership. Ron shares and experience that illustrates this perfectly.

Excerpt from
I was sitting with a staff member recently who presented me an idea. I had reservations about the idea instantly. It was actually a “red flag” idea and I knew it. I love ideas, however, and I’m consistently encouraging our staff to dream, take risks, and improve upon what we are doing. So I listened intently and we discussed the pros and cons of the idea. The next day this staff member came back to tell me and he had thought about our discussion, had changed his mind and was going a different direction. I was thrilled with “his” decision.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Quote of the week

Care deeply about your employees, but accept nothing less than their very best.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


A reputation is not built upon the restful domain of one's comfort zone; it is made out of stalwart exposition of your core beliefs, for all challenges to disprove them as irrelevant hubris.

- Berp AI 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Stock clerks make history

Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk.

- J.C. Penney

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Undocumented 3G iPhone reset?

Not sure if this is a legitimate fix or not but several techs have posted that a dead 3G iPhone can be revived by holding the power button (top) down and rocking the volume button (side) back and forth.

Normally this isn't something I'd post about but I just used this tip to get a non-functioning 3G back to the Apple screen. Quick restore after that and it's purring like a kitten.

Share the info!!


Monday, August 23, 2010

What if your wallet was a device

With so many predicting the next wave of financial payment options going mobile, this story is hardly surprising. Paypal is not a typical bank but it's position in the merchant market is very unique. If banks were to position there capital investments around mobile merchant products and work to deliver new options, Paypal would have likely not even be player.

Interesting read:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Calmness and Tranquility

The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

- James Allen

Friday, July 23, 2010

Are you being bothered enough?

Are You Being Bothered Enough?

Leadership should not
be a solitary act. Leaders need to surround themselves with people who will challenge their ideas, point out their shortcomings, and tell it to them like it is. To be an effective manager, it's critical that honest opinions and information reach you. Get your people to bother you by bothering them. Open-door policies are well-intentioned but you need to go farther and develop a culture of trust and openness. Show your people that candor is rewarded and that the more they bother you, the better.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Luck and Discipline

One half of life is luck, the other half is discipline and that's the important half. For without discipline you wouldn't know what to do with the luck.

- Carl Zuckmeyter

- Posted from the iPhone

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Can't get no Satisfaction?

Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing. It's when you've had everything to do and you've done it.

- Margaret Thatcher

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Success / Envy and the laws Of attraction

"If you envy successful people, you create a negative force field of attraction that repels you from ever doing the things that you need to do to be successful. If you admire successful people, you create a positive force field of attraction that draws you toward becoming more and more like the kinds of people that you want to be like."

- Brian Tracy

Friday, June 25, 2010

GpGMAIL for Snow Leopard-Fix (AGAIN) 6/2010

Snow Leopard Mail update will break GPGMail plugin.

Download the update

Ross Lombardi Perot

Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game, one foot from a winning touchdown.

- Ross Perot

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ron Wayne - AAPL

"I've never been rich," "But I've never been hungry, either."

-Ron Wayne, Apple Employee #3


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blake and Powell ,Quotes of the Week

Try to forget yourself in the service of others. For when we think too much of ourselves and our own interests, we easily become despondent. But when we work for others, our efforts return to bless us.

- Sidney Powell

Ability may take you to the top, but it takes character to stay there.

- William Blake

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Henry Ford

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed.

- Henry Ford

Location:Mooresville,United States

Steve Jobs on Flash

Steve Jobs open letter on Flash... all great points, perhaps the most well rounded statement against flash I've seen


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Quote of the Week

Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing there is a solution paves the way to a solution.

- Dr. David Schwartz

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fix / Snow Leopard Associations

Great Article.

If you yearn for the days of macro control over file associations, your back in business with this nifty trick

Friday, March 19, 2010

Quote of the Week

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.

- Nora Roberts

Location:Statesville Rd,Huntersville,United States

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quote of the Week

Refuse to let yourself end where you started. Refuse to let yourself finish where you began. It is within you--even if you can't see it yet.

-Fusion South

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Joe Sugarman - Quote of the Week

Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity.

- Joseph Sugarman

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Process and Startups. How much is enough

Great article discussing the impact of having good "process" in a startup company.

How much is enough ?
Is any amount too much?

- Posted from the iPhone

CleverMedia - Free Style App Review

CleverMedia has launched there new Free Style App for the iPhone.,

As with all of CleverMedia's offerings the FreeStyle app is well written and designed. The game mixes in audio an visual aspects into a challenging but fun experience that will quickly become a favorite. I recommend for anyone from 4 to 104.

Robert Zullo

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Two Great Quotes on Communication

"Be sophisticated. Keep it simple." - Steve Jobs

"Insecure managers create complexity. Exude confidence and security; speak simply" - Jack Welch

Posted via web from robertzullo's posterous

Monday, January 18, 2010

Space-Time and Digital Media

Einstein developed a model for space-time and it's truly fascinating to anyone with even a casual interest. Over the past few years the media industry has been making attempts to develop it's own space-time model for content. In this space alternatives like DVR's and OnDemand have been the staple, while other "Time Shifting" alternatives have been slow to gain market share. Many will argue, factors from the Digital Media conversion such as use rights, or bandwidth considerations have been the cause, while still others will look at cable companies and wireless providers as the cause. Regardless of where you stand, there exists a strong value in media delivered without regard to the time or schedule of a media consortium.

Take the current issues at NBC with Leno and Conan. There is a demographic that wants to watch there "Tonite Show" at a 11:35pm. Today NBC decides who you will see at that time and they sell advertising for that hour knowing what demographic will be watching. This is a model that was developed in the 50's and let's face it, a model that is seriously outdated. Much media content lives under similar antiquated models.

As our media market continues to grow, finding new models that deliver value to consumers, is an area where differentiation will lead to a market edge. Being someone who has been in the Technology Industry for the past 25 years, it seems logical that whatever solutions arise they will be technical in nature. Let us not forget though, where Apple Inc. changed the face of Music with the iPod, this wouldn't have been possible without concessions from content providers, so it won't be without cooperation.

However 2010 ends up, the current state will change, as no market can ignore new models with such potential and so many clamoring for their rebirth. Watch for them! Where today we live by a time based model there will come a day when this will be little more than an outdated method.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Cloud Impact on App Development (InfoWeek)

Cloud Ready For App Development In 2010

The cloud is an emerging platform that can ease the strain on application development, analysts at Forrester Research conclude in a report published Monday, "The Top Five Changes For Application Development In 2010."

Analysts Mike Gualtieri, John Rymer and Jeffrey Hammond conclude that Amazon Web Services' (AWS) cloud, EC2, and other public clouds, such as's, AT&T Synaptic Compute cloud, Rackspace Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, are offering mature operational environments that can be used to speed the development and launch of cloud applications.

"Various public cloud offerings are maturing rapidly, opening up more opportunities for developers to quickly build and delivery applications. You should start now." the authors concluded. is a leader in establishing its platform as a development environment and encouraging the creation of application to run alongside its standard customer relationship management applications. It offers a proprietary language, Apex, for the creation of business logic and the Visual Force graphical user interface building tool that invokes Adobe Flex components. Microsoft will soon offer Visual Studio 2010 and .Net 4.0 to give Windows developers the option of building applications to run in Azure.'s senior director of platform product marketing, Ariel Kelman, said it takes one-fifth the time to develop an application using the database-centric platform and development tools versus standard enterprise development techniques. He says that conclusion is supported by a study by Nucleus Research.

In addition to Microsoft and, the analysts cited LongJump, Caspio, Boomi, and WorkXpress as supplying online tools for cloud application development.

"Cloud platforms offer big improvements in the cost and speed of deploying applications... Embrace cloud computing as an emerging platform," they wrote. The mature cloud platforms allow development teams to skip buying servers and storage and setting up networks to connect them. Rather, development can proceed more directly, based on use of the target cloud's APIs, which speeds the launch of the application in the cloud, they said.

By developing applications for the cloud, developers avoid the doggedly perplexing issue of being able to scale out the application at will. Applications can scale up just as fast as server instance subscriptions can be added, based on the cloud's subscription process. If the application runs on open source code, then no new license charges need to be incurred as the application is scaled out across more servers, the analysts observed.

Public clouds now offer choices for application deployment. The infrastructure as a service option, such as Amazon's EC2, offers developers maximum control over the application. Platform as a service providers, such as and Microsoft Azure, offer a more integrated development environment leading to faster deployment; and software as a service vendors, such as Oracle's E-Business suite, open source SugarCRM, or's CRM application, offer ready-to-use, finished applications.

Furthermore, the analysts concluded, public cloud servers are good for running Web site applications, collaboration and social networking applications, email, information services and analysis applications dealing with large data sets. They are still less desirable for running core business production systems and transaction applications.

"The cloud is here to stay," the analysts concluded. "Start learning what cloud computing holds for your development organization. .. Formulate a strategy to put this new generation of platforms to work."

Five key elements of such a strategy are:

1. Make enterprise development more nimble and adaptable -- in other words, more like a startup. "Every line of code they write has to be linked to their ability to obtain revenue." So enterprise development teams should know at a deep level what it is the company is trying to do and how it relates to its customers.

2. Startups don't build up elaborate architectures. They use "just enough business-focused process and technical tools to get them to a solution as quickly as possible," they said. Likewise, startups need to respond quickly to changing conditions and competition. "You can't just set a course and stubbornly stick to it," they warn. In other words, find your inner startup, they advise, and put it to work.

3. Don't stick with the same development platform out of misguided loyalty. The Java and .Net languages and related technologies remain the favorites of developers, but the analysts said there has been "a significant uptick" in the use of lighter weight technologies, such as the Apache Tomcat Server, Adobe Flex, the Dojo Foundation's Ajax components, open source Drupal content management, Google Web Toolkit, and the open source Joomla portal management system.

In addition, other open source code is frequently used, including the Red Hat JBoss application server and middleware, the Ruby on Rails scripting language framework,the SpringSource Framework for producing Java applications (SpringSource is now part of VMware), and the Zend Framework for PHP development from Zend Technologies. A large retail chain recently deployed open source Geronimo, an Apache Java application server to 4,000 stores, saving itself charges for 4,000 software licenses.

4. The analysts urged developers to expand their definition of performance in 2010. Performance is affected by the overall platform quality, ease of use, ease of adoption, ease of making changes and availability of a broad community of support. Open source code alternatives are often not as rich in features as their commercial counterparts, "but they often measure up just as well in other dimensions of an expanded performance matrix," they wrote.

Furthermore, the report's authors urged developers to become "passionate" about the user experience they were delivering in their software. Best practices for user experience design need to be injected into the development process, they said.

5. Finally, the analysts urged the cultivation of developers with the right talents. Many offer fine technical skills but don't have much understanding of the business. When accelerating development in the cloud, knowledge of the business may prove as crucial as technical skill.

Cloud computing is part of the "new normal" of enterprise computing, which takes the lean and mean operation during recessionary times and continues it into the return to a healthier economy. Cloud development will help enterprises do more with less, and getting cloud skills right might make the difference between success and failure. "If your competition can build an app faster than you, then your business will be destined to be no more than a fast follower," they concluded.

Posted via web from robertzullo's posterous

Sunday, January 03, 2010