Friday, January 14, 2011

WEB-M and Google's Move with Chrome

If you've haven't heard, Google is removing native H.264 support from Chrome and going with WebM. Probably not the best move but the market is being led by content (Mobility and Content post) and those who control content and mobility will win the game. With the lack luster sales of GoogleTV one wonders if this is a reactive move more than some Machiavellian planned play but either way we've begun the "codec wars" (cue Star Wars Theme). Apple, Adobe and now Google, hmm I wonder where this one.

Add to this the iPhone now going viral (grin) and now on other networks and what we have is a heavy weight fight between H.264 devices and ... and.. and ... other devices that play Flash? no wait other devices that use WebM? Hmm... now let's not forget that YouTube was bought by Google and perhaps that's factored into this somewhere but I would guess that the chess game isn't completely thought out and someone is winging it. Apple after all has relationships with most if not all the major media outlets and let's not forget whose in charge down at Disney. Google/Adobe, uhh.. not so much. Verizon, okay they might be able to do something with NFL as they seem to have a deal with them, and Sprint has NASCAR, T-Mobile has... has.... has ... okay enough.

Time will tell, it's going to get interesting though

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Corporate Consulting and Thinking

Ignoring the comparison of New York to a prison camp run by "the prisoners" today's article by Tom Davenport for HBR truly paint's a picture that we've seen many times over long term consulting engagements, that being the dumbing down of an organization.

Now with 20 years in the IT business the use of consulting services is certainly something that has to be endorsed. Nobody knows it all, but as Tom reveals in his article, the over reliance on an external resource for enriching judgement without building internal bench strength can and will often result in the "dumbing down of an organization".

Your thoughts?