Friday, March 28, 2008

Valuable Lesson for iPhone Wifi

Today at a wifi hotspot we were given the a Key to allow us on the network.  Mind you this was not an ordinary network, it was a network based on the shop owners brand new Time Capsule.  Clearly a nice choice!  After about the third time trying to enter the Key, the shop owner noticed I was having a problem and mentioned that others too has indeed been having a problem and I should try all CAPS.  

Sure enough that was it.  WPA/WPA2 on the iPhone are normally a no brainer but for the record if you are having issues connecting to a WIFI spot try the old ALL CAPS trick and you might just have saved yourself 10 minutes. 


iPhone SDK (Updated)

Apple has updated it's latest release of the iPhone SDK.  With the fury at which the last release was downloaded this one is sure to be a hit.  While the details of the upgrade are still sketchy and it would appear that Apple is dedicated to the market it has found for mobile development platforms.  

As mentioned in the a recent article over on the iPhone Development Blog the reach that this product will give Apple into the enterprise could be big.  I would argue that with regular updates and what is seemingly a caring / nurturing attitude from Apple this could be a revolution in the making for the industry yet again.  

Many corporate I.T. departments will find development in this area will be hard to categorize and even tougher to fit in to a standard CMMI, Agile, RUP methodology.  Over the next few months ZuCom will evaluate the impact this has had in the industry and look to develop strategies that partners and clients can use to help better cope with this next wave of innovation.  


Saturday, March 22, 2008

ZuCom Upgrades SwitchtoHeadphones to version 1.1 (FULL LEOPARD SUPPORT)

Today Zucom has announced it's release of "Switch to Headphones v1.1". This application is now fully supported under Apple's OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and further improves performance with it's OS integration.

Developed originally under OS 10.2 this simple tool has found it's home in the professional audio studio all over the world since it was first released. In recent years it has become popular with the VOIP community who often use it with products like iChat and Skype. By adding support for Apple's Leopard operating system ZuCom preserves this app for years to come, and ensures it's longevity as a native Mac utility.





If you're not allowed to implement new ideas, you stop having them

Article Quoted

Paul Graham

Paul is dead on.. Don't go moving to Africa or try to apply this thinking in a Military service situation but he's still dead on. To date I've not seen a college level course on how to manage I.T. resources like the ones he describes in his article. Undoubtedly these approaches exist, some may even work on a large number of I.T. types, but the ones he's describing are visionary. Those types are not lead, managed, or dictated to, the best you can hope to do is partner with them.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Client Side iPhone / iPod Touch Browser Redirect

If layer 7 redirection from hardware based solutions isn't quite available in your enterprise, or perhaps the entire CSS3 standard hasn't completely made it into your long term memory yet there is a very easy way to redirect iPhone & iPod Touch users.

While several of our clients have experience varying levels of success, small to mid-sized solutions may benefit from a simple inline javascript redirect.


<script language=javascript>


if((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)))






Those who are better versed in conditional CSS, will find that the iPhone
and iPod Touch react very favorably to a CSS that is optimized to the
specifications referenced by Apple in the developer documentation on their
site (Apple Developer Connection Guides).

-Robert Zullo

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

iPhone - The triple threat

As many of you know last week saw the latest development release from Apple, in the iPhoneSDK. While we have been a stalwart supporter of the iPhone and it's capabilities, it wasn't till last week that we saw the development community come alive with enthusiasm.

Exceeding all expectations the initial reviews from ZuCom and the community have been overwhelmingly positive. With the unexpected announcement of enterprise level integration and support capabilities Apple added another threat to competitors which now clearly extends beyond the phone market. For the entrepreneurial developer who has struggled with getting offerings to market, Apple has also developed a sales and marketing strategy, with the App Store that truly make this announcement a triple threat.

It isn't often that we see such a complete offering, and given the let down from the WWDC07 announcement this is a welcome surprise.

We look forward to supporting our partners and development community in all their endeavors, helping mature the iPhone software market will undoubtedly be in all our plans from here on out.

-Robert Zullo
ZuCom Services

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Even tough decisions have Choice

When it appears that a situation has left no choice, remember that choice in itself is...

...everybody has got a choice,
between right or wrong,
giving up or holding on...

-J. Mellencamp