Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Irish Proverb

"Don't let life just happen, carve it from your passions and dreams"

-Irish Proverb

Friday, November 30, 2007

Welcome to the Jungle

..You can taste the bright lights.... but you will never get there for free


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jobs Quote

Great things in business are never done by one person..... they're done by a team of people

Steve Jobs

Link to Video

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dilbert's Leadership Quote

LEADERSHIP is a flavor of evil. Obviously no one would need to lead you to do something you wanted to do anyway.

— Scott Adams, “Dilbert’s

Friday, November 09, 2007

Teaching, the thankless gift.

It's not often that the one imparting wisdom receives confirmation of the act. The real question is whether or not that confirmation is always necessary.



There are very few * I can’t find a level of stomach for

-Robert T. Zullo

Friday, November 02, 2007

Giving & Getting

....You only get back what you give ... no more no less..


Friday, October 19, 2007


It's not about money sometimes, it's about commitment.
Commitment takes two, and trust.

-Joe Torre (2007)

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Growth and Learning

Well educated people of today are adequately prepared for a future that doesn't exist.
It's only those who continue to learn that will be able to survive and thrive of the changing world of today.

Zig Ziglar

Friday, June 22, 2007

Cast your shadow with care

when one casts a shadow, be mindfull that it's not so big that others must travel very far to get out from under it..


Friday, June 15, 2007

Baseball Parks - Americana at it's best

As an avid baseball fan, I often visit parks around the country. Whether it's Yankee Stadium in the Bronx or the Coliseum in Oakland the pleasure has always been mine to visit these parks and watch the good old american past time. Over the years it dawned on me that the attraction of these parks to me (and others) is that many of these ballparks deliver an experience that is becoming harder and harder find. No I'm not a classic relic that doesn't believe in progress. Yes the stadiums are new and today you can even pay for food with a credit card from your seat, but the values that sit behind all that haven't changed in most places.

Kids still get balls signed, foul balls are still a fan favorite, the 7th inning is still the 7th inning, and reason people go to these parks is still the same today as it was 100 years ago. Values Though the experience may vary from park to park, I encourage anyone searching for that definition to visit that bastion of americana that has decided to call itself ... the baseball park.


Monday, May 28, 2007

Myths, Truths and History

"Myths are the embodiment of truths which society has observed, but is often unable to communicate"


Friday, May 18, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Talent is Never Enough - John C. Maxwell

Talent is Never Enough - John C. Maxwell

The new book, as wonderful as his previous works, it is unfolds the wisdom of the ages in his patented style.

"....talent wants to jump into action, but preparation positions talent to be effective"

"the frustrating thing about preparation is that it usually takes much more time that the actual event one prepares for"


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Leadership it requires: Action, Vision & Passion

Action without Vision makes us pessimistic.

Action without Compassion makes us legalistic.

Vision without Action makes us moralistic.

Vision without Compassion makes us idealistic.

Compassion without Action makes us unrealistic.

Compassion without Vision makes us fatalistic.

-John C. Maxwell

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Character - Integrity and Honesty

You can’t spell integrity without the word grit which is defined as “a firmness of mind,” or “unyielding courage.” It takes a great deal of courage or grit to be true to self. In the end, though, it’s worth the effort because our legacies are going to be impacted greatly by our integrity or lack thereof.

-John C. Maxwell